Miloš Popović
Doktor nauka iz oblasti ekologije, zoogeografije i zaštite životne sredine
Miloš Popović je rođen u Zaječaru 23.12.1987. Član je društva još od 2006. godine kada je upisao Prirodno-matematički fakultet u Nišu. Zahvaljujući tome pretabanao je čitav Balkan, upoznao sjajne predele i drugare i opasno zabasao u oblast ekologije i zaštite dnevnih leptira (na čemu je i doktorirao 2017. godine). Najviše se ponosi projektima zahvaljujući kojima je nađeno nekoliko novih vrsta dnevnih leptira u Srbiji i oformljen tim entuzijasta koji rade na prikupljanju podataka.
Sada smo okupljeni u okrilju Biologer zajednice, najveće baze podataka o biodiverzitetu Istočne Evrope, koja okuplja ljude iz Srbije, Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine. [rs/hr/ba]
Pored toga što je zaposlen kao naučni saradnik na Departmanu za biologiju i ekologiju (PMF, Niš), radio je na nekoliko međunarodnih projekata, član je Natura 2000 tima, voli da se bavi fotografijom, oštrenjem britvi, kovanjem noževa i pripremom kineske hrane.

Miloš Popović
Knjige i poglavlja:
- Tot, I., Popović, M., & Đurić, M. (2017). Dnevni leptiri Vlasine. Javno Preduzeće „Direkcija za građevinsko zemljište i puteve opštine Surdulica”, Leskovac. 152 str.
- Popović M, Đurić M (2014) Dnevni leptiri Stare planine (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea). Javno Preduzeće „Srbijašume“, Beograd. 208 str.
- Popović M (2014) Dnevni leptiri (Lepidoptera). In: Mesaroš (ed.) Vrste biljaka i životinja značajne za zaštitu prirode u Evropskoj uniji. Protego, Subotica, p 34-39.
- Popović M, Đurić M (2012) Dnevni leptiri Srbije – priručnik. HabiProt, Beograd. 198 str.
- Popović M (2008) Annex I – Climate diagrams. In: Jakšić P (ed.) Prime Butterfly Areas in Serbia. HabiProt, Belgrade.
Radovi u časopisima sa IMPACT faktorom:
- Golubović, A., Tomović, L., Nikolić, M., Anđelković, M., Arsovski, D., Iković, V., Gvozdenović, S. & Popović, M. Distribution of Hermann’s tortoise across Serbia with implications for conservation. Archives of Biological Sciences. 10.2298/ABS190406034G. M23, IF(2017) = 0.648.
- Urošević A, Popović M, Maričić M, Pomorišac G, Petrović D, Grabovac D, Surla A, Medenica I, Avramović S & Golubović A (2019) New Data on the Spread of Trachemys scripta (Thunberg in Schoepff, 1792) (Testudines: Emydidae) and its Subspecies in Serbia. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 71, 247–251. M23, IF(2016) = 0.413.
- Maes D, Verovnik R, Wiemers M, Brosens D, Beshkov S, Simona B, Jaroslaw B, Cantú‐Salazar L, Louis-Francis C, Sue C, Dincă V, Djuric M, Dušej G, Elven H, Franeta F, Garcia‐Pereira P, Geryak Y, Goffart P, Gór Á, Hiermann U, Höttinger H, Huemer P, Jakšić P, John E, Kalivoda H, Kati V, Kirkland P, Komac B, Kőrösi Á, Kulak A, Kuussaari M, L’Hoste L, Lelo S, Mestdagh X, Micevski N, Mihoci I, Mihut S, Monasterio‐León Y, Morgun DV, Munguira ML, Murray T, Nielsen PS, Ólafsson E, Õunap E, Pamperis LN, Pavlíčko A, Pettersson LB, Popov S, Popović M, Pöyry J, Prentice M, Reyserhove L, Ryrholm N, Šašić M, Savenkov N, Settele J, Sielezniew M, Sinev S, Stefanescu C, Švitra G, Tammaru T, Tiitsaar A, Tzirkalli E, Tzortzakaki O, van Swaay CAM, Viborg AL, Wynhoff I, Zografou K & Warren MS (2019) Integrating national Red Lists for prioritising conservation actions for European butterflies. Journal of Insect Conservation 23(2): 301-330, DOI: 10.1007/s10841-019-00127-z. M22, IF(2017) = 1.562.
- Popović M & Verovnik R (2018): Revised checklist of the butterflies of Serbia (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea). Zootaxa 4438: 501-527. M22, IF(2018) = 0.990.
- Ćorović J, Popović M, Cogălniceanu D, Carretero MA & Crnobrnja-Isailović J (2018): Distribution of the meadow lizard in Europe and its realized ecological niche model. Journal of Natural History 52: 1909-1925. M23, IF(2017) = 0.875.
- Drndić E, Radevski Đ, Miljević M, Đurić M, Popović M (2017): Description of recent discovery of Anthocharis damone Boisduval, 1836 in Serbia and its distribution in Europe (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterologia 45(177): 23-29. M23, IF(2015) = 0.408.
- Golubović A, Grabovac D, Popović M (2017) Actual and potential distribution of the European Pond Turtle (Emys orbicularis) in Serbia and conservation implications. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica s10: 49-56. M23, IF(2016) = 0.413.
- Popović M, Šašić M, Medenica I, Šeat J, Đurđević A, Crnobrnja-Isailović J (2016). Living on the edge: population ecology of Phengaris teleius in Serbia. Journal of Insect Conservation 21(3): 401-409. DOI 10.1007/s10841-016-9922-6. M21, IF(2014) = 1.717.
- Ivković SR, Popović MP, Pavićević DM, Franeta F, Horvat LL, Đurić MM (2016) Distribution and decline of Bradyporus dasypus in Serbia and the Republic of Macedonia (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Acta zoologica bulgarica 68(4): 541-546. M23, IF(2014) = 0.532.
- Verovnik R, Popović M (2013) Annotated checklist of Albanian butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea). ZooKeys 323: 75-89. M23, IF(2014) = 0.933.
- Ralev A, Popović M, Ružić M, Shurulinkov P, Daskalova G, Spasov L, Crnobrnja-Isailović J (2013) A new record of Testudo graeca ibera Pallas, 1814, in southern Serbia. Herpetozoa 25(3/4): 151-153. M23, IF(2014) = 0,800.
- Popović M, Đurić M, Franeta F, Van Deijk JR, Vermeer R (2014) First records of Lycaena helle butterfly for the Balkan peninsula (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). SHILAP Revta. Lepid. 42(166): 287-294. M23, IF(2014) = 0,435.
- Popović M, Radaković M, Đurđević A, Franeta F, Verovnik R (2014) Distribution and threats of Phengaris (Maculinea) teleius (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in northern Serbia. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 60(2): 173–183. M23, IF(2014) = 0,500.
- Verovnik R, Popović M, Šašić M, Cuvelier S, Maes D (2014) Wanted! Dead or alive: the tale of the Brown’s Grayling (Pseudochazara amymone). Journal of Insect Conservation 18:675–682. М21, IF(2013) = 1,789.
Radovi u časopisima od nacinalnog značaja:
- Tot I, Slacki A, Đurić M, Popović M (2015) Butterflies of the Vlasina Region in Southeast Serbia (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea). Acta entomologica serbica 20: 117-135. М51.
- Ivković S, Đurđević A, Popović M (2015) New Data on the Occurrence of Anacridium aegyptium (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in Serbia. Acta entomologica serbica 20: 163-166. М51.
- Popović M, Radevski Đ, Miljević M, Đurić M (2014) First record of Pyrgus cinarae (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) in Serbia. Acta entomologica serbica 19(1/2): 45-51. М51.
- Popović M, Šeat J, Ilić N, Đurić M (2013) New findings of Theophilea subcylindricollis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Serbia. Acta entomologica serbica 18(1/2): 237-240. М51.
Radovi u ostalim časopisima:
- Zrnić D, Popović M (2018) Dnevni Leptiri u Entomološkoj Zbirci Gradskog Muzeja Subotica (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea). Museion 16: 161–75.
- Golubović A, Popović M (2017): Free climbing turtle, Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) – vertical obstacles as a limitation for movement. HYLA: Herpetological Bulletin 2016: 24–25.
- Švara V, Popović M, Peternel A, Radevski Đ, Vukotić K, Verovnik R. (2016) Surveys of butterfly and skipper fauna in the southwestern part of the Republic of Macedonia (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea & Hesperioidea). Natura Sloveniae 18(2): 23-37.
- Popović M, Šašić M (2016) New findings of the butterfly Phengaris teleius at the border between Hungary and Serbia (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Biodiversity Data Journal 4: e8078.
- Поповић М, Тот И (2015) Дневни лептири Овчарско–кабларске клисуре (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea). Бележник Овчарско–кабларске клисуре 6(1): 48–58.
- Verovnik R, Franeta F, Popović M, Gascoigne-Pees M (2015) The discovery of Polyommatus aroaniensis (Brown , 1976) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo 36(4): 177-180.
- Šašić M, Popović M, Cuvelier S, Đurić M, Franeta F, Gascoigne-Pees M, Koren T, Maes D, Micevski B, Micevski N, Mølgaard MS, van Swaay C, Wynhoff I, Verovnik R (2015) Contribution to the knowledge of the butterfly fauna of Albania. Nota Lepidopterologica 38(1): 29–45. DOI: 10.3897/nl.38.8814.
- Gascoigne-Pees M, Verovnik R, Franeta F, Popović M (2014) The lifecycle and ecology of Pseudochazara amymone (Brown, 1976) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae). Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo 35(3): 129-138.
- Поповић М (2013) Дневни лептири Овчарско-кабларске клисуре (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera). Бележник Овчарско-кабларске клисуре 4(1): 30-33.
- Popović M, Đurić M, Franeta F, Verovnik R (2013) On the extremely rich butterfly fauna (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) of the south-eastern foothills of Stara Planina Mts in Serbia. Phegea 41(4): 74-81.
- Verovnik R, Popović M (2013) First record of the Greek Clouded Yellow (Colias aurorina Herrich-Schäffer, 1850) for Albania. Natura Sloveniae 15(1): 27-32.
- Nikolić J, Đurđević A, Popović M (2012) Butterfly fauna of Ženeva pond near Niška Banja spa center (Lepidoptera: Papilionideae & Hesperioideae) with some notes on endangered species. Biologica Nyssana 3(2): 47-51.
- Popović M, Milenković M (2012) First record of Anthocharis gruneri for Serbia (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Phegea 40(1b): 37-38.
- Ružić M, Radišić D, Popović M, Ralev A (2012) Gnežđenje modrokosa Monticola solitarius u dolini Pčinje. Ciconia 21: 50-53.
- Radaković M, Popović M, Rudić B, Božinović N (2011) Posmatranja modrovrane Coracius garrulus u centralnoj Srbiji. Ciconia 20: 100.
- Ružić M, Shurulinkov P, Daskalova G, Ralev A, Spasov L, Popović M (2011) Semi-collared Flycatcher Ficedula semitorquata – a new breeding species in Serbia. Ciconia 20: 72-76.
- Đurić M, Popović M (2011) A note on the status of the rare species Kirinia climene (Esper, 1783) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in Serbia. Nota lepidopterologica 34(1): 79-82.
- Đurić M, Popović M, Verovnik R (2010) Jelašnica gorge – a ‘hot spot’ of butterfly diversity in Serbia. Phegea 38 (3): 111-120.
- Popović M, Đurić M (2010) New findings of two rare nymphalids in Serbia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo 31 (3): 169–172.
- Radaković M, Popović M, Rajković D (2009). Posmatranja kratkorepog pomornika Stercorarius parasiticus, laponske muljače Limosa lapponica i tankokljunog sprudnika Tringa stagnatilis na akumulaciji Gruža. Ciconia 17: 92-94.
- Popović M (2008) Distribution of butterfly from north-eastern and eastern serbia regions related to the ecological and biogeographical conditions. COSEP. Faculty of Occupational Safety. Niš.
- Popović M (2004) Kvalitativni i kvantitativni sastav faune dnevnih leptira okoline Petnice. Petničke sveske 57: 171-172.
Radovi na naučnim skupovima međunarodnog značaja:
- Popović M, Koren T, Burić I, Golubović A, Živanović N, Dožai J (2019) Using Biologer to record plants distribution in Serbia. 13th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, 20th – 23rd June, Stara planina, Serbia, p. 40.
- Vaselek S, Popović M, Šeat J, Ćurić A. [Eds.] (2018): Explore and protect the natural beauty of Balkans: International Rufford Small Grants Conference, 27th – 28th September, Silver Lake, Serbia. Abstract Book. 54 pp.
- Golubović A, Živanović N, Popović M (2018): Biologer: Growth of a Database. Rufford Small Grants Conference: Explore and protect the natural beauty of Balkans. Silver Lake, Serbia. 27-28 September 2018. p. 22
- Popović M (2018): From Field Data to the National Red List of Butterflies of Serbia. 27th Rufford Small Grants Conference “From Mountains to Deep Seas”. Bar, Montenegro. 3-6 February 2018.
- Golubović A, Živanović N, Popović M (2018): Turtles of Serbia are Inviting Volunteers for a photo Session: An Update on Mobile Application Developement. 27th Rufford Small Grants Conference “From Mountains to Deep Seas”. Bar, Montenegro. 3-6 February 2018. p. 25.
- Popović M, Šašić M, Verovnik R (2017) Using limited data to create a preliminary Red List of Serbian butterflies. 20th European Congress of Lepidopterology. Podgora, Croatia, 24-30. april 2017, p. 68.
- Popović M (2016) Distribution, ecology and local spatial ecology of the scarce large blue butterfly in Serbia. 12th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions. Kopaonik, Serbia, 16 - 19 June 2016. p. 63.
- Popović M (2016) Population ecology of Phengaris teleius in northern Serbia. Future 4 Butterflies in Europe, Wageningen, Netherlands, 31 March – 3 April 2016, p 69.
- Popović M (2016) Rufford helps Endangered Serbian Butterflies. Nature knows no boundaries: Rufford Small Grants Conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzogovina, 21-22 March 2016, p 26.
- Ćorović J, Popović M, Cogălniceanu D, Carretero MA, Crnobrnja-Isailović J (2015) Species distribution modelling of Darevskia praticola from the Balkan Peninsula. 18th European congress of herpetology, Wrocław, Poland 7rd - 12th September 2015, p. 26.
- Popović M (2013) The fascinating butterfly diversity of Serbian Stara Planina Mt. Threatened by ski tourism. Book of Abstracts: 18th European Congress of Lepidopterology, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, 29 July – 4 August 2013. p 65.
- Popović M (2012) Status of Lycaena helle and Phengaris teleius butterflies in Serbia. Book of Abstracts: 11th Symposium on the flora of southeastern Serbia and neighboring regions, Vlasina, Serbia. p 66.
Radovi na domaćim naučnim skupovima:
- Tot I, Popović M. (2018): Distribucija kavkaskog žutaća (Colias caucasica balcanica Rebel, 1901) u Srbiji i preliminarni podaci o njegovoj populacionoj ekologiji. Drugi kongres biologa Srbije, Kladovo, Srbija. 25-30. septembar 2018.
- Zdravec M, Popović M, Živanović N, Golubović A, Burić I, Koren T. (2018): From field observation to organised data management in Croatia. 13th Croatian Biological Congress. Poreč, Croatia. 19-23 September 2018.
- Popović M, Golubović A & Živanović N (2017): Razvoj baze podataka o insektima Srbije: postojeći sistemi i budući planovi. XI Simpozijum Entomologa Srbije. Goč, Srbija. 17-21. septembar 2017. p. 111.
- Popović M (2015) Uspostavljanje monitoringa dnevnih leptira na Staroj planini. Book of Abstracts: Symposium of Entomologists of Serbia 2015 with international participation, Tara, Serbia. p 19.
- Mesaroš G, Popović M (2013) BioRas – Public portal for mapping and monitoring of biological diversity of Serbia ( Book of Abstracts: Symposium of Entomologists of Serbia 2013 with international participation, Tara, Serbia. p 21.
- Popović M (2008) Distribution of butterfly from north-eastern and eastern Serbia regions related to the ecological and biogeographical conditions. COSEP: First Congress of Students of Environmental Protection of South Eastern Europe, Kopaonik, Serbia, 23 – 26 April 2008.